If you would like to spread me apart and peek inside, try this. It is called a "Johari Window", and it is where you can reveal your thoughts about my personality, and therefore learn something about myself also. Please be nice, but honest!
ps. I am not telling where I got this, because I am not linking to anyone right now until things "calm down". But I got it from another blogger, who shall remain name less.
I did the quiz for you Tyute!
Apparently they say that you have a blind spot that's able, adaptable, ingenious, and knowledgeable. You might want to see a doctor for that.
My emailed question to you has been answered!
Thank you!
Ben can I check out your blog??
It looks cool
"Johari Window"
I don't know what that is hon. But thank you for allowing comments again. Even the ugly and weird.
and it is where you can reveal your thoughts about my personality, and therefore learn something about myself also.
I don't know you well enough yet but I like what I see so far, and I understand that you are a spiritual being in evolution here, and working hard at it.
Please be nice, but honest!
Um, it's hard for me to be nice sometimes, but you can bet that I will always be honest with you.
Okay? Hugs.
The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness.
And something that old has what to do with today?
Plus, I would like an honest statement from you being as you appear to want honesty. Are you a man or a woman? And are you who you say you are?
You know, allowing it all allows you to rise above it all. :-)
Ben, investment banking? American capitalism?
*rolls eyes*
How do you feel about that?
BBC, would you like to open an account?
Hi Tuyet!
I've seen you around and I've read some of your blog. I'm glad you're allowing comments now.
I saw you were recently in my town, Phoenix.
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