Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I broke my ankle.

In a really stupid way. I'm not even going to tell you.


Steve said...

Tell me.

Chuck said...

Hi there. I've been hovering. Sorry to hear about your ankle, but as a very wise old man said, "this too shall pass."

Over time, breaks, factures either mental or physical shall not only heal, but become more sturdy over time. Take it from an old pro who has broken a lot of bones in his life, but mentally and physically. Peace and good tidings. Chuck

~d said...


Can we guess?! I am going to guess!
Tuyet was crossing the street-at a crosswalk!-on her way back to work. She had just devoured a California Avocado sandwich and was washing it back with an iced (special) from Javanican when she heard the squealing brakes of two or three cars. Rushing over to see if everything is OK, Tuyet realized these respectful people had slammed on their brakes to avoid driving over several books that were strewn across the road. Tuyet was helping a few other bystanders pick up the books. She was ready to head back to work and realized!!-her coffee!! She twisted around to grab it off of a nearby vehicle, twisting her ankle in the process. She grabbed her coffee and hobbled back to work on her now injured ankle. The walking thus damaged her ankle even more and today: today, Tuyet awaits surgery to have a pin put in place.

~d said...

(good GOD!) I really DO have other things to do! HAHAHA

Get better, girly!

Chuck said...

I heard putting flaxseed oil on your belly really helps. Good tidings of comfort and joy to ya! Love, Chuck.

Chuck said...

You are so much more down to earth than those doofuses on the Vietnam Vet's blog.

~d said...

Hey Chuck I tried to pass by and holla at you-but you aren't easy to find.
Umm, I, too, am the (year) of the rooster. Aries, though.

Chuck fka: Meanie said...

Sorry to hear about your ankle Tuyet. I hope you get to feeling better very soon! I am sending healing energy your way!

BBC said...

Really? Well I'll bet that sucks. Please take it easy on it so that it heals faster. Some folks try to use an ankle before it heals well and then it takes much longer.

What should you call your inner child? Well, lets call your inner child your soul, or spirit.

Try this, take the initials of your name (maiden) and see what cosmic name you come up with. Like my BBC initials translates to Born Before Christ.

Don't think on it too hard, just let the cosmos come up with it so that you can receive it.


Chuck said...

Well hi again there young lady! Say, have you ever tried on a rubber suit? It requires ample amounts of talcum powder just to make an old man like me slippery enough to slide into a rubber suit.

Do you mind if I tell you what's required on applying the powder? Peace and tidings of comfort and joy! Snuggles, Chuck.

Raghu Ram Prasad said...

No worry you will alright with in a minutes........yes,tell me now..