Friday, August 17, 2007

The time challenge

I borrowed this fun idea to post an old picture and a new picture of yourself. If you want to see who's idea it was, go here and here.

I'm very close with my family, though I don't speak of them often.

Here's a picture of me being carried by my older sister Phuong Qui in our old home in Cu Da. I am 7 months old. Qui is almost 60 and lives in Phoenix with her two adopted daughters and a bird named Moo.

Here I am with my grandmother (Popo) and parents, about 9-10 years ago. My Popo died about a year after this photo was taken. My parents are both still alive but my father is very ill with emphysema and a mysterious neurological disorder, possibly caused by some sort of poison that he was exposed to as a young man.

Here I am with my boyfriend and third cousin Cao, also about 9-10 years ago. He died of a massive hemorrhage after oral surgery in 2004.


Steve said...

Sorry about Cao's massive hemorrhage. Why do think that happend? I hope nothing like that ever happens to me or my son.

Steve said...

Oh! You're in southern California too! Say if you're ever want to hear some good music go check out a band "Jacks Lappy." He has a voice that sounds like Sting!

Tuyet said...

I think Cao bled to death because his liver was damaged from years of alcohol abuse. I don't really like to talk about it. We were together for 11 years, and losing him was the hardest thing I ever did. Besides finishing business school.

On another note do you mean Jack Slappy? I don't think they sound like Sting at all. There is no comparison!!! If anything, they sound a little like Bob Dylan, or maybe Jacob Dylan. Or one of the Dylans.

Do you live in San Diego? Nevermind, I'll come to your blog to talk to you.

Steve said...

Was the massive hemorrhage caused by Hiroshima?

Chuck fka: Meanie said...

Sorry to hear of your loss; I have lost much also so I can empathize with you. I love your spirit!
Meanie's Mawmaw

Tuyet said...

Ben --- again, I ask that you open the pages of an atlas. My family was not involved with Hiroshima. We are from Viet Nam. Are you for real?

meanie --- Thanks so much for your kind words. Women should band together. This world is full of loss and pain, its how we weather it that matters.

Tim said...

actually, the original idea for posting then and now pictures came from me.

But thanks for participating anyway.

Steve said...

Sorry Tyet, sometimes I get a little tired on Saturdays.

There's an old Hindo saying "Where not if then, will not, then OK."

I repeat that haiku everytime I'm mowing the lawn.

Steve said...

Hi Green!

I used to not have as much facial hair.

Tuyet said...

Hi Green, welcome!
I stand corrected -- and you stand linked! ha ha!
Ben, I am taking a break from you. No offense.

Chuck fka: Meanie said...

Tuyet: Yes, I agree that women should uphold each other and encourage each other every step of the way. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
Meanie's Mom (Jo)

Lee Ann said...
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Steve said...

This reminds me of yet another haiku by the aincient Paulsimones, it is timeless as it is timeless:

People say I’m crazy
I got diamonds on the soles of my shoes
Well that’s one way to lose
These walking blues
Diamonds on the soles of your shoes