Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Beautiful jelly!
Golden, crispy piece of toast...
Now, I feed myself.

Flower Vulva
Oh wonderful rose
Opening, and curling out
My body, my soul.

I don't do laundry.
I am not from Hawai'i.
I'm from Viet Nam.

Gothic Ruminations
In my spirit hole
A ghost, needing transport, rides
in a wheelbarrow.


Chuck said...


Many happy returns and compliments of the day Tuyet!!

That "ghost in a wheelbarrow" analogy is sheer genius! The product of a masterful mind. Why, if I was a woman, I would jiggle my titties in his face upon hearing that haiku!!

Good tidings to ya!!

Love, Chuck.

Chuck said...

"Spirit Hole!" That is yet another product of unadulterated madness and genius at the same time! If I were a woman and the haiku writer were a man, I would immediately be the cattle and let him wield the cattleprod! But that's for another conversation!

Good tidings of comfort and joy to ya!

Love, Chuck.

JM said...

Your origin haiku was great!!
I also like breakfast!!

The Rev. Willie Horton Heat said...

Gizzle you sure is a pretty yellow lady. Death row 187 4 life. Care ta takes a rizzle wit me in mah pimpin vehicle . I thought i told ya, jizzay I'm a soldier. Its pretty close by...


The Rev. Willie Horton Heat said...

Usually Ive taken a taste fo` white chocolate yo so i can get mah pimp on. But I think youve turned mah attention quite convincingly ta a shawty bit of lemonade!


The Rev. Willie Horton Heat said...

Once you be tast'n dizzle chocolate youll killa wanna go back! Like this n like that n like this n like tizzy n UH puttin tha smack down!

BBC said...

Rides in a wheelbarrow...

Ha, ha, ha....

My body is a pickup built to pack my balls and penis around in order to pick up chicks.

Have a great day, hugs.

BBC said...

San Diego

I went to boot camp there. Back then I was young and stupid, really.

But as I recall, it was a wonderful and beautiful town back then. So how are you liking your experience there now?

Tuyet said...

I never leave my condo, so I don't know much about San Diego. For all I know, I could be living in Connecticut!