Part of my journey into my womanhood is learning to get over the fear of my own body. I think my fear stems from the upbringing of my culture and that I always was subservient to the wishes of my Popo and my Pipi when I lived with them. These would be my grandparents. Whatever Pipi wanted, Popo and I would do. Then Popo would boss me around as a way of feeling better about her own self. Who did I boss around? the dustrag and a can of Pledge. Sometimes a dishrag, just to mix it up.
When I got my first period, I thought I was dying and I went to the school nurse in hysterics. She couldn't calm me down so I was taken to the emergency room and given a Lorazipam. Later she gave me this book so that I could learn about the changes my body was going through. I was a late bloomer, so it may have looked a little strange to be reading about my body at age 16, but I didn't care, it was fascinating! I still have the book and have been reading it a lot lately.
When I got together with Cao, we tried some of the different things that men and women try to do together using their bodies. We had a lot of fun, but it was never as "great" for me as it said in the book. Some time I will tell the story of Cao and the things we did. If I ever fall in love again, I would like to try those things again. But I don't know how that is going to happen; I don't have any more male cousins and I sure as heck arent' doing that with the girls!!!
Yesterday I got a mirror and spent about 20 minutes looking at my vulva. I have never done that before! I had the book open to the page where there is a diagram. I learned the names of all the parts and then quizzed myself. It was fun and informative! Except that afterwards, my hip joints hurt from sitting like that so I had to get in the tub.
Thanks for all your advice!
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Ahoy there my little boat maiden! Since you are an American now, you should learn that its okay to be maternalistic and take command! You can even order men around! Try it! There are several mental exercises that can help bring you to this stage of enlightenment. Lets say, I was dressed in a diaper and you threw me to the ground. What would you do next?
Don't ask me for clues. Its all up to you. You're the boss and can call the shots.
I could obey any order and do anything...say...suck on your stilletto heel or you can stuff your knee-high stockings in my mouth while inserting an object into my rear end. The sky's the limit!
In other topics, when are you having a cuddle party at your place? I have an interesting Chex Mix that will change your reality and blow your mind!
Good tidings of comfort and joy! Love, Chuck.
I hope your ankle mends quickly and isn't causing too much discomfort!
Evidently you haven't been influenced much by our slutty American culture. I know 12 year olds who could teach you things!
LOL! LBB's comment is sooo right. But it's nice that you have taken the time to get to know your vulva. Even though your hip bones suffered a tad, I betcha your vulva feels loved. ;D
Oh, come on..
Just get over it...
They are not that interesting to look at....
I don't even like to look at them.
If it feels good, isn't that enough?
Call it the happy snapper. LOL
You are an amazing lady, and you should never sell yourself short. Some guy, not your cousin, will be very lucky to earn your trust and help you explore all these things you are thinking about. And no, it's not as good as it seems in the books, or movies, for me ether, but I haven't given up yet. You should never feel self conscious about exploring your own body. It's beautiful and magical, and it's yours to do with as you please. Any man would be lucky as hell to meet up with a woman who knows her own body, and how to give it pleasure. Too many people go through life without that pleasure. Celebrate your body. Be happy. You're just starting out on this journey.
"Part of my journey into my womanhood"
Hon, that part of your womanhood journey should have been done and over in your early twenties.
I'm wondering why you are re-exploring it.
Maybe what you are looking for is not your womanhood but someone to share it with?
Greetings and salutations and all that crap! Top of the afternoon to ya Tuyet.
I for one disagree with BBC in his exploring your womanhood. I happen to explore my manhood constantly and in public places. I always found rest stops to be wonderful places for this kind of activity.
Chuck..... You are a fucking hoot. :-)
I thought all yall indian women had dots above your cooters and sideways holes fuckina.
Eat my asshole bbc.
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